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How to mark a movie/tv show as seen
When i use another player than Plex to see some movies and tv shows, i'd like to mark those movies as seen in Plex so i can get a quick overview of what's left.
Is there an easy way to do that (other than editing the sqllite file) ?
And happy new year to every one !
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[warrior] Advice on generating Threat as OT
I recently started raiding and have played both main and off tank as a prot war. While playing main tank generating agro is pretty easy due to the near unlimited rage you get. However, when I am the OT I am having problems staying #2 on KTM. Any hints to stay near the top when your raid is composed of high dps?
SmartFTP trying to DELETE files!
DELE command run on finished files, as if moving Hi,
SmartFTP is displaying a very serious malfunction when I'm using it.
When I have the FTP window on left side, and local explorer window on right side, default drag & drop action - Query, and drag files from left side to where I want to put them in local browser, SmartFTP tries to delete the files when finished!!! this is
using tact switches for both on/off and 'on only aslong as its held down'
Hi Folks I know there are terms used to describe this all but I can think of them right now, im thinking momentary switch is what im thinking about. I just want to confirm if the tact switches that people are using for the 6582 could be used in a MB64 style app where the core could control the behavior of the switch. i.e. In one mode pressing
George Bush President
How Is He Doing On His Job As President? President George Bush. How do YOU think he is doing on his job as President of our country? :huh:
Hate Plex On Sl !
buggy as hell I hate Snow Leopard on my Mac Mini.
I have 4 macs, all of them with SL which all of them ( MacPRO, Mac Air, Mac Alu ) works flawlessly and Im more than happy with it.
the Mini, however, its a fountain of problems. Because of Plex.
I'm seriously considering rolling back to 10.5 on the mini.
Plex worked flawlessly and I had no problem
Plex on a TViX A6500M
Plex as media software on a TViX A6500M Hi.
Have see Plex software on a Mac Mini and WOW i love the solution...
I have a TViX A6500M, is it possible to installe Plex on that so i use plex as
media software/navigator on the TViX A6500M !??
If Yes how do i do it !?
Questions About Using Mac Mini/plex As Dedicated Htpc
Do you leave the Mini on all the t Just got my first Mac Mini yesterday in order to use Plex in my home theater system. I've basically got it up and running, but I have some basic logistics questions that I have been thinking about.
Do most people set the Mac mini to sleep after a period of inactivity?
Will the Mac mini sleep with Plex running?
Producent: Flying Frog Productions : Reportaż o Sumo w TV Świdwin - (reportaż dostępny on-line) Zapraszam do obejrzenia reportażu z zawodów Mistrzostw Polski "Poland Open" w Sumo, które odbyły się 18 sierpnia w Świdninie. Dotąd mistrzostwa rozgrywane były w Krotoszynie kolebce polskiego sumo i rodzinnym mieście braci Paczków.
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Can't mark whole season or tv-show as watch!
Exactly as the topic says. If you select a TV show, bring up the menu and choose "mark as watched", nothing happens. Same thing if you select a whole season and try to mark it as watch.. no dice. It does work if you go in and select an episode, then you can mark it as watch. But I'm trying to mark a whole season here, and that
Mark Tv Series As "actual"
Hey guys, first off, thanks, you are doing an awsome job.
Having seen the topic "Feature requests related to library mode" I still wanted to ask for you 2 cts...
My TV shows library is about 100+ series big.
It would be great to be able to mark some of these series as "actual" so I could filter and have a "favorite-l
Scan Doesn't Work On New Tv Shows
Plex doesn't scrape new tv show episodes, only I have plex set to automatically scan for new content at startup, but for some reason it isn't scraping information for new episodes of shows such as The Office or Modern Family (basically any new episodes of a current show). Every time i want to load information for these shows I have to manually refresh TV Show Information for each one which
Question on how to manage non movies / TV shows
OK here is the problem. I have a number of documentary / educational DVD's (camera stuff) that I would like to be managed in Plex.
At the moment they cannot be scrapped by anything as they are specialist content. For now I have tried to scrape an obscure title off IMDB that has little or no details and add it into the library that way with a
Where do I place TV movies?
Such as 24: Redemption Hi all,
I'm just wondering where I should put made for TV movies such as 24 Redemption?
Under IMDB it is shown as "24- Redemption (2008) (TV)".
So in summary my question is:
1. Do I name it as 24 - Redemption (2008) (TV) or 24 - Redemption (2008)
2. Do I place it in the TV Shows or in the Movies section?
Thanks a bunch
TV SHOW Problem
unable to get TV added on Snow Leopard running Plex So, I just got Plex up and running on my new mac mini with Snow Leopard. I have been searching for a solution to this problem. Any help would be much appreciated.
I have added all our movies to Plex and love it. But when going to add a TV show season, it will load in the "Watch Your Videos" library but when I head over to "Watch T
tv show fanart based on season
Is there any way to use different fan art for different seasons of a TV show. I was watching one of the early series of spooks the other day and I noticed that the fan art is a single image and displays on all of the pages but what would be nice is a differentiation between the front two pages and the season page itself which in this case
Tv Shows Appear Correctly On Mbp But Not On Mini
I have Plex installed on two devices, my MBP with Snow Leopard and my Mini with Leopard. I've updated both versions and installed the Aeon skin. My source files are correctly provisioned to connect to my QNAP TS239 upon start up. My files are correctly named with "filename"S01E01 format. Everything shows up on both computers in the Mo
Hide TV Shows and Movies on the main menu?
Where did the ability to hide these go, and c Hey,
After my last update the movies and television shows sections popped back onto my main menu, and when I went to disable them again the radio buttons for 'shw television shows' and 'show movies' have disappeared.
How do I take them off the menu? Where did the pref go?
TV Series as VOBs?
Can you stack them? I have a few TV series that I have has straight rips from DVD and are in VOBs. When I ripped them, I ripped as movie/episode only, so no menus or such, but they are in VOBs and accompanying directory structure.
Can these be setup as seasons/episodes so they will be scraped and accessible through the TV shows side of things in Plex, or do I have
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Producent: As-Schwabe
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Producent: As-Schwabe
Producent: As-Schwabe
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Producent: As-Schwabe
Rodzaj: Przedłużacz bębnowy
Producent: As-Schwabe
Producent: As-Schwabe
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Producent: As-Schwabe
Rodzaj: Przedłużacz bębnowy
Producent: As-Schwabe
Rodzaj: Przedłużacz bębnowy
Producent: As-Schwabe
Rodzaj: Przedłużacz bębnowy
Producent: As-Schwabe
Rodzaj: Przedłużacz bębnowy
Producent: As-Schwabe
Rodzaj: Przedłużacz bębnowy
Producent: As-Schwabe
Rodzaj: Przedłużacz bębnowy
Producent: As-Schwabe
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